Testimonial for Positive Intelligence
I went into this program not really knowing what to expect, but I'm always looking to improve myself. I know I can be my own worst enemy sometimes (often)! I was intrigued by the idea of "mental fitness" - that we could work out our brain like we do our muscles - and I was hoping it would help me prioritize myself. Between my career, my kids, my relationships, I felt like I was usually last on the list. I was hoping it could give me some tools to fix this. At its most essential, I was hoping this would help me make myself happier. But I had no idea what that would look like or how that would happen.
Through the program, I learned how to work those muscles of my brain many times throughout the day doing really basic, simple stuff that I would never have thought of myself. Nor would have I have ever known these easy exercises could form new neural pathways, aka working out my brain. I found Shirizad, the founder of the program, straightforward, real and easy to follow, as was Coach Sandy. Working with her as my coach helped me apply the concepts that we were learning to real life - she would give examples, she'd answer questions, and have us do exercises that illustrated the "how."
The other part of this process that I found helpful was the group or "pod" that went through the program with me. They were supportive, open and curious - and I was surprised by the level of connection we forged in a short period of time and with just a weekly zoom. We knew we were in a safe space where we could share our challenges, our confusion, concern and even the parts of ourselves that are hard to acknowledge. There was never any judgment, just acceptance and encouragement. At the end of the program we celebrated each other, and going through the six weeks together, learning and leaning on each other really felt like an accomplishment.
What I've found at the end of six week is that this program has made me aware of my thoughts. There are so many things I’ve learned but the most important to me is increased self-awareness. I’m much more in tune with how my thoughts affect how I’m living my day to day – and equally importantly, how I can change that for the better.
I feel like I still have a lot to learn and ways to grow, but I have new tools and motivation to do it. I know more ways to recognize when my thoughts aren't serving me, and what to do about it even when I don't have a lot of time. I think anyone could benefit from Positive Intelligence, but I would especially recommend it to anyone who's feeling like they can be doing better - either in their relationships, in their career, in their self-care - anyone who might feel like they're looking for that missing piece. I think this might be what they're looking for.
1. You are magnetic, genuine and bring about an air of structure and inclusiveness in every pose of yoga. It becomes real when in a small group. The laughs and being open to silliness makes any conversation, even those serious ones break the tough ice!
You are gifted and there is an aura of modesty with pride of who you are, who you have become....how you thrive on continuing to evolve...that message permeates to everyone around you who wants to be inspired.
You are such a joyful person with a kind heart to help and pick up anyone's spirit with just a "Thinking of You"!!! Sandy .. our golden candy!
2. Tough situations that feel like you are swimming in a rocky terrain in rapids and you need a guide to get you to the other end. You are there almost predicting the valley or picking us up when we are barely afloat. You can sense energy and you make everyone feel inclusive regardless of age, color, male, female...and your approach to life with an attitude while always being there for those that need you always sets you apart!!
You connect caring people to real people...those who you trust that means a million in today's age!
I am THRILLED for you that you are embarking on this new adventure;
an extension of the many years you have already spent building your
own knowledge and magnetic personality! You are always interested in,
and eager to learn new things! You dig much deeper than just the
surface for knowledge, understanding, ideas and ways to make your life better;
and the lives of others! You are quick to perceive a situation and able to work
on the solution rather than staying stuck in the problem. Others can readily
understand you and appreciate the wealth of expertise you bring to multiple situations.
Clarity of thoughts and ideas make it possible to follow your leadership and guidance. I think you have a very genuine interest in helping others get out of their own way and move forward in a positive, non-threating way.
You are a great motivator because you are sincerely excited about what others
what to do to change their situations and better themselves and their lives.
Listening is one of your greatest strengths! As is perception and communication!
Thank you again for the sessions to help me come back to a better reality.
After just a few sessions with Sandy, I've managed to achieve a much more calm and positive work/life balance. I have a new found sense that life is GOOD and I can chart my path rather than be driven by forces not of my choosing. Her insightful and wise outlook has helped me to believe that my best is good enough. Sandy has a way of seeing into souls and sorting out the chaff from the seed in a way that is simply amazing. She asks you to consider the hard questions, but in a way that leads you to the root of the truth rather than believing there is no way out of the surface chaos of everyday life.
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"Resistance to Resilience"
and Bonus 4 Meditations!